Although this is a small town I haven't met a whole lot of people, probably because I've been holed up in our house working on my synopsis and honing the first three chapters of my latest WIP (work in progress) The Moon Has No Light . It's the story of a women whose child is abducted and after twenty years she still grieves his disappearance. Image her shock when he walks into a restaurant where she's having dinner! I'm planning to pitch this story, as well as, my other completed work, Legacy of Grace, at the upcoming ACFW writer's conference in Dallas. To all my writer friends—looking forward to seeing you there!
Here are more pictures of the beautiful scenery in and around Meeker. Enjoy!
This week is the Meeker Sheepdog Championship Trials
This is an international championship and teams from Canada, Switzerland, South Africa, and Scotland venture to the small town of Meeker to compete. Sheep are brought into town from the high mountain pastures to be led by the various team's dog. Interesting to watch.
I'll be volunteering tomorrow, so I'll have pictures for you soon.
Here's the lot where our new house will be built. Groundbreaking started last week and lasted for a short time before the backhoe broke. I keep trying to remember if I prayed for patience at some time…
This will be our view from our deck!
Until next time - Keep writing, keep praying, and keep reaching out.